~Mulanya Di Sini~
kalau tak melangkah kita tak tahu kita boleh berlari


What is FRIEND????

Always be honest

Be there when they need you

Cheer them on

Don’t look for their faults

Every chance you get, call

Forgive them for what they do wrong

Get together often

Have faith in them

Include them

Just listen

Know their dreams

Love them unconditionally

Make them feel special

Never forget them

Offer to help

Praise them honestly

Quietly disagree

Rescue them often

Say you’re sorry

Talk frequently

Use good judgement

Vote for them

Wish them well

X-ray yourself first

Your word counts

Zip your mouth when told a secret



kredit: http://www.motivateus.com/stories/frabc.htm

6 Responses to “~F.R.I.E.N.D~”

  1. nk gak pegang belon tu..huk22..

  2. To MiszIrdawaty:

    I syg sume kwn2 i including u πŸ™‚

    To MerahItuJambu:

    T bila jumpa nanti kita tgkap gmbar smbil pgg belon ya πŸ™‚

  3. chakkkk,,,
    wawawawa sronoknyer,,, nak jugak belonnn,,, hehehe,,,
    ayu-ayu sume kawanku nie,,, ade sape2 yg single lg ke,,, bley wat adik ipar nih,,, hehehe,,, gurau jer,,, jgn marah yer,,,
    sory slalu xdpt join korang,,, tmbah2 mingu exam nie,,, mmg malas membuak2,,, hehe,,, malas nak ke mana-mana,,, malas nak wat ape-ape,,, tp makan jer yang rajin-serajin-rajinnyer,,, hehehe,,,
    sbb mkn e2 penting utk idup,,, bkn idup utk mkn yer,,,
    mkn utk idup—>idup utk m’buat amalan yang baik di dunia pinjaman yg sementara ini,,, huhu,,, bila2 masa jer Tuhan bley tarik balik pinjamannye ini,,, so sama2 lah kite b’buat amal ye,,, πŸ™‚

    nota tangan:xder nota tangan arr,,, hehehe,,, senyum2 slalu,,, selamat ari jumaat,,,

    • alah Adah ni….
      buat2 tnya lak siapa yg single mingle ha3
      tau xpe…
      minggu exam ni sume malas..
      km nk kua mkn pon mls..
      nk p cafe jauh πŸ™‚

  4. oooppssssssssss…
    fana mls nk kua mkn???
    emmmm kompius ni…

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